Zoom Call with Santa – Video Chat with Santa
Every year, families rush to the mall and local retail shops to visit with Santa and get their photos taken. Sitting on Santa’s lap is one of the biggest Christmas traditions of all time. These shops can get very crowded with hundreds of small children. During a time of crisis, pandemics, and social distancing the thought of this might not be appealing to everyone. Don’t worry, there is another way for your child to visit with Santa this year and still get a memorable photo to keep in the scrap book! HireSanta has the perfect solution for your family’s visit with Santa this year! Give your child a personalized and magical experience by scheduling a one on one virtual visit with Santa. They’ll think they are talking to the real deal when they see that big white beard on the screen, his workshop in the background, and hear his famous “Ho, Ho, Ho!”.
Click Here to Reserve and Book your Virtual Visit with Santa Claus
HireSanta has appointments for live video from Santa through the day, seven days a week. You’re sure to find a time slot to work for even the busiest of schedules! When scheduling your facetime call with Santa you’ll be asked to provide details about the child Santa will be talking to such as his or her name, age, grade, accomplishments, previous gifts from Santa, and anything else you’d like for Santa to address with the child during the call. Make sure you give as many details as possible so Santa has lots to talk about. Unlike visiting Santa at the mall, they will have time to have a meaningful conversation. Your child will be so surprised and feel very special when getting to have a long, personalized conversation with Santa.
If your child accomplished something special recently, schedule a call with Santa to congratulate them. If your child going through a life changing or challenging experience, a chat with a live Santa Claus can help ease the transition. The magic of Santa and Christmas is powerful. Many children hold Santa in their hearts throughout the entire year, not just during the Holiday. Give them a special treat this year, zoom call with Santa, and let them know Santa is thinking of them too!
Each and every Santa available for video chats has a real, white beard, real belly, and is real jolly! Just like all of the Santa’s that HireSanta staffs at live, in person events, they are all professionally trained and have a large amount of experience with children of all ages and backgrounds. Each and every Santa Claus is trained to deal with all types of situations, even the most difficult. With all this experience they are well equipped to handle any question that comes up and they are sure to make your virtual visit with Santa experience magical and unlike any other out there! After your call HireSanta will turn your video call into a special video that you can share with your friends and family either by social media or email, and even print out still photos of your child talking to Santa. These unique videos and photos will create lifelong memories.
Click Here to Reserve and Book your Virtual Visit with Santa Claus